Brightness Video Effect

This is a simple effect; it adjusts the brightness of the entire image with the help of time lapse software.

Time-Lapse Tool Brightness Effect


Only the brightness parameter can be adjusted on this effect. Values in the range of 0-49 produce a darker image; values above 50 increase image brightness; value 50 for the setting does not affect the image.

Time-Lapse Tool Brightness Effect Settings


Setting Brightness to 30 decreases the brightness of the original image significantly.

Time-Lapse Tool Brightness Effect Example

Note: You can add a precise value for the slider. Just double-click on the percentage number to open up the percentage editor.

Time-Lapse Tool Percentage Value Editor

Note: this effect is available in the free version of Time-Lapse Tool.

◄ Black & White  Effects  Brightness Transition