Time-Lapse Video Image Effects

You can adjust the look of images in a sequence by applying different effects (e.g. brightness or contrast). An effect is applied to the entire sequence of images. A few of the effects available in our time lapse software are dynamic. Dynamic effects change their settings from the beginning of a sequence to the end, (e.g. the brightness transition or camera transition).

To apply an effect to the currently selected sequence, just check the box next to the effect name or start adjusting the setting of any effect. To view an effect setting, click on the effect name and its settings will appear.

To cancel an effect for a selected sequence, simply uncheck the yellow box next to the effect name.

By using presets, you can also save then reuse a combination of effects with a single click.

Time-Lapse Tool supports the following effects:

Import Photographies Help  Video Effect Presets